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Lucas, Kiya | 08.09.2023

GitLab Browser Performance Testing

Webentwicklung > GitLab Browser Performance Testing

GitLab features a useful tool for measuring the performance of a website, similar to Pagespeed insights. With this, you can measure the performance of your website after every deployment or even at each merge request. I have set this up for our homepage.

All it takes are a few adaptations to the gitlab-ci.yaml:

2  template: Verify/Browser-Performance.gitlab-ci.yml
5  only:
6    - main
7  needs:
8    - deployProd
9  variables:
10    URL: https://newcubator.com/

If you're making use of review apps, you can even evaluate the performance for each merge request.

Find more in the GitLab documentation:


  • What is GitLab browser performance testing?
  • How to set up GitLab for performance testing?
  • Can you do performance testing for each merge request?
  • What is the role of review apps in performance testing?
Lucas Meurer
Lucas (Softwareentwickler)

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