Sometimes, you need to lazy load a component without the overhead and inefficiency of importing the router module.
This can be accomplished by using the lifecycle hook "AfterViewInit".
Here's an example code for your understanding:
1<ng-container #dfc></ng-container>
1export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
2 @ViewChildren('dfc', { read: ViewContainerRef })
3 vCs!: QueryList<ViewContainerRef>;
5 async ngAfterViewInit() {
6 const dfc = await import('@lib/featureA').then(c => c.lazyComponent);
7 ViewContainerRef) => {
8 viewContainerRef.createComponent(dfc);
9 });
10 }
This approach provides the benefit of keeping your application's initial load time low while allowing for enhanced flexibility in your code. It's a useful trick when dealing with large, complex applications with numerous components.