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Dennis, Kiya | 14.08.2023

Visually Understanding Change Detection: Let It Blink

Webentwicklung > Visually Understanding Change Detection: Let It Blink

Ever wondered how Change Detection gets triggered? To represent this visually, you can use the so-called "Blink Method".

To do so, insert the following code into the component that you want to test and add "{{ blink() }}" into the component's template:

1private element = inject(ElementRef);
3    private zone = inject(NgZone);
5    blink(): void {
6        // Dirty Hack used to visualize the change detector
7        // let originalColor =;
8 = 'crimson';
9        //              ^----- DOM-Element
11 => {
12            setTimeout(() => {
13       = 'white';
14            }, 1000);
15        });
16    }

This will visually indicate when the Change Detection gets triggered, enabling you to see the exact moments of Change Detection in your Angular applications.

  • What triggers change detection?
  • How can you visually represent change detection?
  • What is the Blink method?
  • How can you apply the Blink method into an existing component?
Dennis Hundertmark
Dennis (Softwareentwickler)

Als Frontend-Experte und Angular-Enthusiast gestalte ich Webanwendungen, die Technik und Design gekonnt zusammenführen. Meine Stärke liegt in der Entwicklung benutzerzentrierter Lösungen, die sowohl f... mehr anzeigen

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