Menschen in einer blauen Ausstellung
Michael, Kiya | 11.08.2023

Thinking Out of the Box and Letting AI Do the Work

KI > Thinking Out of the Box and Letting AI Do the Work

Problem: To deliver GeoJSONs as promptly as possible, with a field_id as the filename, created in folders grouped by farmer_id. The folders should be named after the farmer_id, and the contents of the GeoJSONs should be the geometry.

Leveraging AI, we devised a solution involving the export of an SQL statement as a CSV. ChatGPT then served to build a Python script, which in turn created the requisite folder structure.


1I have a CSV file with the following structure:
2field_id, farmer_id, geometry

followed by:

1Write a script that creates GeoJSONs 
2with the job_id as file names
3grouped by farmer_id into folders
4named after the farmer_id. 
5The content of the GeoJSONs 
6should be the geometry.

As per instruction, the content of the GeoJSONs contained the following geometry data.


  • How is AI used to convert GeoJSON data?
Michael Virks
Michael (Softwareentwickler)

... ist enthusiastischer Backend-Entwickler am Standort Hannover, den nichts glücklicher macht als optimierter Code mit JavaSpring und PostgreSQL. Bei Projekten behält er immer den Überblick und die R... mehr anzeigen


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