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Lucas, Kiya | 23.01.2024

Exploring Protomaps and PMTiles

Kartensoftware > Exploring Protomaps and PMTiles

First and foremost, Protomaps presents itself as an efficient system for affordably providing interactive maps. These maps are derived from a singular file archive and are hosted on an HTTP address, examples of which are S3-like storages. The way it performs this function is by querying the needed tiles through the use of HTTP range headers.

The format used by these single-file archives is termed as PMTiles. Intriguingly, the blueprint for PMTiles can be found on GitHub, under this link: PMTiles on Github

This methodology enables incredibly budget-friendly and straightforward map hosting. Another key point to note is that it functions smoothly with leaflet, maplibre, and openlayers. This hands map hosting a never-before-experienced flexibility and compatibility thereby cementing the importance and relevance of Protomaps and PMTiles in contemporary mapping solutions.

  • What is Protomaps?
  • What is PMTiles?
  • How does map hosting work with Protomaps and PMTiles?
Lucas Meurer
Lucas (Softwareentwickler)

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