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Dennis, Kiya | 25.01.2024

New Features and Changes in Angular v17: An Overview for Developers

Webentwicklung > New Features and Changes in Angular v17: An Overview for Developers

Angular celebrated its 13th anniversary with version 17, setting new benchmarks in performance and developer experience. Here are the highlights and changes introduced with Angular v17:

  1. Deferrable Views: These enhance both the performance and the developer experience by offering a declarative and powerful deferred loading capability with unparalleled ergonomics.

  2. Performance Boost: Up to 90% faster runtime thanks to built-in control flow loops in public benchmarks and up to 87% faster builds for hybrid rendering, as well as 67% for client-side rendering.

  3. New Optic: Angular presents itself with a fresh look that reflects the forward-looking functions of the platform.

  4. Interactive Learning Journey: A brand new interactive learning platform has been introduced that enables learning Angular and the Angular CLI directly in the browser.

  5. Improved Control Flows: New block template syntax for a more efficient and intuitive *ngIf, *ngSwitch, and *ngFor writing, including better type checking and performance enhancements.

  6. Improved Lazy Loading: New syntax for Lazy Loading enables the delayed loading of components and their dependencies with a single line of code.

  7. Hybrid Rendering: Improvements in Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static-Site Generation (SSG), including a new @angular/ssr and standard hydration in new applications.

  8. Vite and esbuild: Vite and esbuild are now used in new projects for the build process by default, promising a substantial acceleration.

  9. Debugging of Dependency Injection: Angular DevTools now offer insights into dependency injection and the injector tree.

  10. Standalone APIs: Standalone components, directives, and pipes are now enabled by default in new applications, simplifying the code base.

  11. Reactivity: The implementation of Angular Signals for creating reactive applications continues, with effects still in developer preview.

  12. Testing: There are advancements in the integration of Jest and Web Test Runner for improved testing.

  13. Material 3: Preparations for the support of Material 3 and Design Tokens are in full swing.

  14. General Improvements: Numerous minor improvements, like experimental support for view transitions, automatic preconnects in the image directive, and delayed loading of the animation module.

Angular v17 marks a significant step in the development of the framework, providing developers with new tools and methods to make modern web applications more efficiently. The focus on performance and user-friendliness shows that Angular is committed to keeping up with the requirements of modern web development.

  • The Deferrable Views feature
  • Performance enhancements
  • The new Optic feature
  • Interactive Learning Journey
  • Improvements of control flows
  • Improved Lazy Loading
  • Hybrid rendering
  • Debugging of Dependency Injection
  • Standalone APIs
  • Improvements of Reactivity
  • Advances in Testing
  • Preparations for Material 3
Dennis Hundertmark
Dennis (Softwareentwickler)

Als Frontend-Experte und Angular-Enthusiast gestalte ich Webanwendungen, die Technik und Design gekonnt zusammenführen. Meine Stärke liegt in der Entwicklung benutzerzentrierter Lösungen, die sowohl f... mehr anzeigen


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