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Simon, Kiya | 01.08.2023

Spring Boot Docker Compose Support (since 3.1.1)

Webentwicklung > Spring Boot Docker Compose Support (since 3.1.1)

Introduction to Spring Boot Docker Compose Support

Starting from Spring Boot version 3.1.1, developers can leverage enhanced Docker Compose support, which brings greater convenience and flexibility to the deployment process of Spring Boot applications.

The new Docker Compose support in Spring Boot 3.1.1 allows developers to define multi-container environments with ease. They can now specify the services, networks, volumes, and interconnections using a single docker-compose.yml file.

With this native support, managing complex containerized deployments becomes more straightforward. Developers can now define the composition of their Spring Boot application and its dependencies within the familiar context of a Docker Compose file.

Additionally, Spring Boot's Docker Compose support includes built-in integration with container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. This enables seamless deployment of Spring Boot applications in orchestrated environments.

How to enable Docker Compose support in Spring Boot

Enabling Docker Compose support in Spring Boot is simple. First, add the new Spring Boot package to your build.gradle:

2implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-docker-compose:3.1.1'

Next, place the docker-compose.yml file somewhere in your project, for example, in the root directory or src/main/resources folder.

Then, link the Docker Compose file in your or application.yaml:

2  docker:
3    compose:
4      file: "./docker-compose.yml"

In the docker-compose.yml file, you can define the services and their configurations. Here's an example of a PostgreSQL service:

1version: "3.8"
3  postgres:
4    image: postgis/postgis:13-master
5    ports:
6      - '5432:5432'
7    environment:
9      POSTGRES_DB: geo-postgres
10      POSTGRES_USER: username
11      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: mysecretpassword
12      POSTGRES_HOST: localhost
13      POSTGRES_PORT: 5432

Spring Boot will start the containers listed in the compose file when the application is started, for example, with bootRun. On system exit of the application, Spring Boot automatically stops the containers without the need for manual intervention.

Benefits of using Docker Compose with Spring Boot

By integrating Docker Compose into Spring Boot, version 3.1.1 empowers developers to adopt containerization practices more effectively. This, in turn, facilitates smoother development-to-production workflows and enhances the scalability and resilience of Spring Boot applications.

The benefits of using Docker Compose with Spring Boot include:

  • Simplified Deployment: With Docker Compose support, developers can define complex multi-container environments in a single file, making it easier to manage and deploy applications with their dependencies.

  • Seamless Integration: Spring Boot's Docker Compose support seamlessly integrates with container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, enabling effortless deployment in orchestrated environments.

  • Improved DevOps Workflows: Docker Compose support streamlines development-to-production workflows, allowing for smoother collaboration between developers and operations teams.

  • Enhanced Scalability: Docker Compose enables developers to scale their Spring Boot applications and their dependencies by effortlessly spinning up multiple container instances as needed.

  • Increased Resilience: With Docker Compose, developers can containerize applications and their dependencies, enhancing the resilience of the overall system.

In conclusion, the enhanced Docker Compose support in Spring Boot 3.1.1 simplifies the deployment of Spring Boot applications in multi-container environments. By leveraging Docker Compose, developers can easily define, manage, and deploy their applications and dependencies, leading to smoother development workflows and improved scalability and resilience.

So, give it a try and take your Spring Boot applications to the next level with Docker Compose support!

  • Introduction to Spring Boot Docker Compose Support
  • How to enable Docker Compose support in Spring Boot
  • Benefits of using Docker Compose with Spring Boot
Simon Jakubowski
Simon (Softwareentwickler)

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