Klebezettel mit Glühbirne
Simon, Kiya | 14.08.2023

The Power of IntelliJ's 'Run Anything' Feature

KI > The Power of IntelliJ's 'Run Anything' Feature

IntelliJ's 'Run Anything' function is immensely potent, fostering a more streamlined and efficient development process for me daily.

By double-clicking the 'Control' key, IntelliJ summons a dialog where you can command all sorts of actions that IntelliJ can execute.

This capability encompasses gradle tasks, npm scripts, and the likes. IntelliJ inspects your package.json, build.gradle, pom.xml, etc., to identify specific actions you could execute from this dialog, offering you not just generic actions but contextual actions derived from your project.

Holding down the 'Shift' key lets you also run the action in debug mode.

IntelliJ also keeps a record of your recently executed actions and displays them at the top, fostering easier access and better work-flow management. We love using IntelliJ to efficiently develop our high-speed webbased Software.

  • What is the 'Run Anything' feature in IntelliJ?
  • How can this feature enhance your development process?
  • What types of actions can this function execute?
Simon Jakubowski
Simon (Softwareentwickler)

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